Minggu, 09 September 2012


       Gerund ialah kata kerja yang ditambah ing dan berfungsi sebagai kata benda .
Penggunaan Gerund ialah sebagai berikut :

1. Sebagai Subjek
Contoh :
1. Studying is my hobby
2. Reading is his hobby
3. Writing is our hobby

2. Sebagai Objek
Contoh : 
1. I enjoy fishing alone
2. He like reading in the library.
3. She enjoy kidding with the cat.

3. Bersama Preposition
Contoh :
1. I Sleep after Studying.
2. He take a rest before smoking.
3. He find many information in reading.

 4. Bersama article
Contoh :
1 There is an eating on the table.
2. There is a drinking under the dog

5. Bersama demonstrative pronoun
Contoh :
1. I don’t like this eating.
2. He love that singing because the singing is very nice.

6. Bersama Possesive pronoun
Contoh :
1. Her Leaving makes us happy
2. His writing makes her sad

Setiap kata kerja yang bertemu kata kerja di bawah ini harus di Gerund-kan.

1.Consider          2. Advice
3. Deny               4. Admit
5. Avoid              6. Dislike
7. Excuse            8. Finish
9. Forgive            10. Keep
11. Imagine         12. Mind
13. Postpone       14. Miss
15. Pardon          16. Practice
17. Stop              18. Suggest
19. Report           20. Appreciate

 Contoh :
1. We avoid meeting with him.
2. You have finished doing that there.

Apabila terletak stelah kata kerja dibawah ini bisa kita ganti dengan to invinitive atau di Gerund-kan

1. Continue          2. Attemp
3. Begin               4. Cease
5. Agree              6. Forget
7. Intend              8. Like
9. Permit             10. hate
11. Hesitated       12. Perfect
13. Love             14. Purpose
15. Start              16. Try
17. Leave            18. Regret
19. Neglect

 Contoh Yang di Gerund-kan:
1. We Start studying there
2. You Forget reading in library
3. They hate eating there
Contoh Yang diganti dengan to infinitive :
1. We Start to study there
2. You Forget to read in library
3. They hate to eat there

Dan ada beberapa kata kerja yang dapat diikuti oleh Gerund atau infinitive tanpa To.

1. Feel                 2. Hear
3. Listen to          4. Notice
5. Observe          6. Perceive
7. See                 8. Watch

Contoh yang di ikuti infinitive tanpa to :
We see her cross the street.
You Notice her cross the street.
They watch her cross the street.

Contoh Yang diikuti oleh Gerund :
We see her crossing the street.
You Notice her crossing the street.
They watch her crossing the street.

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